Cadette Girl Scouts
Outdoor Art Apprentice Badge
1) Explore Art Outdoors - Georgia O'Keeffe Watercolor canvas
2) Make Something - Clay pinch pot animals
3) Get to know- and create - sounds of nature. - you are on your own for this requirement.
4) Be a nature photographer - you are on your own for this requirement.
5) Design with Nature - Clay hanging pockets or clay leaf dishes.
Cost: $8.00 - $9.50 per girl
2) Make Something - Clay pinch pot animals
3) Get to know- and create - sounds of nature. - you are on your own for this requirement.
4) Be a nature photographer - you are on your own for this requirement.
5) Design with Nature - Clay hanging pockets or clay leaf dishes.
Cost: $8.00 - $9.50 per girl